College board essay prompts
Transistor Sizing Research Paper Topics
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Reading Analysis free essay sample
Assess this chapter’s meaning of correspondence. What are its qualities? What are its shortcomings? In the event that you were approached to improve it in one manner, by including, taking away, or adjusting something, what might you change? Present your answer and clarify the thinking that legitimizes it in a 100-200 word reaction. Correspondence is a Latin expression communis. It implies when at least two individuals meet up to share or percept their musings and thoughts. I think this part truly gave you a few instances of correspondence and how its utilized. This section gave you a few significant focuses and clarified a wide range of tips on powerful correspondence. The main piece of this part I thought wasn’t clear is the place the creator discusses correspondence requiring a message sender. I would cut a portion of the history part out of the substance. History wasn’t extremely important to comprehend what correspondence is. 2. Review an occurrence where you or an associate encountered a correspondence breakdown as a result of a verbal or non-verbal etymological hindrance. We will compose a custom article test on Understanding Analysis or on the other hand any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Narrative this occurrence in a 100-200 word reaction. I can recall a few times when my mother and I have had a correspondence breakdown. I feel as though you are human it will occur. I can recollect a period where I advised my mother I was going out to see the films and to eat with one of my companions and that I wouldn’t be home for dinner. She thought I said I would be home for dinner and got extremely distraught. She left the kitchen for me to clean since she thought I would have been home and wasn’t. That was a correspondence breakdown. She thought I said something I truly didn’t. 3. This part addresses the explanation that no individuals can see something very similar in light of the fact that the announcement is self-ruining. On the off chance that the announcement were valid, the individual offering the expression would have no chance to get of realizing that it is valid since, by their own affirmation, the person would never access what others see to decide this. What do you think? Offer your considerations in a 100-200 word reaction. I think on the off chance that we could perceive what others could see, at that point the world would be a superior spot. We wouldn’t need to stress over liars since we would comprehend what they were stating and thinking. Everyone’s assessments, convictions, perspectives, and religions are extraordinary. God made us in our own particular manner. On the off chance that everybody could see everything the equivalent and accept the equivalent, at that point no one would have an assessment and there would be no correspondence. 4. This part talks about generalizing as an expected snag to correspondence. Give five instances of generalizations and clarify, after every, how it can keep correspondence from happening. 1. Age or physical highlights: Some individuals don’t need to connect themselves with somebody much more established/more youthful than them or somebody who is fat or skinnier than them. Age can make the point for correspondence be off their inclinations may not be the equivalent. Their physical highlights can impact there certainty which can likewise obstruct correspondence. 2. military statuses: Someone who is hitched is going to need to convey more and hang out more with somebody who is hitched as opposed to single. Somebody who is single isn’t going to share as much for all intents and purpose as somebody who is hitched. 3. people singular history: People will in general generalization individuals as once somebody generally that individual. This isn't generally the situation. Because somebody used to be a smashed doesn’t mean they are a flushed at this point. Ordinarily individuals state I won't speak with him/her since she used to drink. 4. racial character: Racism is a significant issue in this nation. A few people need speak with individuals of an alternate shading. At the point when since they are another shading doesn’t make them like everybody of that shading. 5. religion: Many Baptist and catholic don’t need to speak with one another in light of the fact that there perspectives and convictions are extraordinary. This is a main consideration for correspondence. Part 2: 1. Words are ground-breaking communicational apparatuses. Think about the accompanying useful tidbits from James 3: 2-10 (NLT): If we could control our tongues, we would be great and could likewise control ourselves from every other perspective. We can cause a huge pony to go any place we need by methods for a little piece in its mouth. Also, a little rudder makes a colossal boat turn any place the pilot decides to go, despite the fact that the breezes are solid. Similarly, the tongue is a little thing that gives great talks. Be that as it may, a little sparkle can set an extraordinary timberland ablaze. Furthermore, the tongue is a fire of fire. It is an entire universe of evil, undermining your whole body. It can set as long as you can remember ablaze, for it is determined to fire by hellfire itself. Individuals can tame a wide range of creatures, fowls, reptiles, and fish, however nobody can tame the tongue. It is fretful and detestable, brimming with destructive toxic substance. Some of the time it lauds our Lord and Father, and in some cases it reviles the individuals who have been made in the picture of God. Thus favoring and reviling come spilling out of a similar mouth. Most likely, my siblings and sisters, this isn't right! †[1] Drawing from your own understanding, compose a 100-200 word reaction in which you portray the intensity of words to be dangerous and to be helpful. Words can be destructive and motivational. We as Christians should utilize words that are helpful. We should elevate individuals and have a constructive outcome. The useful tidbits in James states it well. Numerous individuals today utilize their tongues to adulate God and rouse others and afterward pivot and tattle, cuss, and talk terrible of others. I can recall expressing some brutal things about somebody and afterward the individual I said them to returned and said something very surprising. Words can so frequently be turned around to hurt somebody. Its best to simply stay quiet and keep your mouth shut. Dangerous words are the individuals who hurt others. Productive words will be useful tidbits, motivation, and praises. I have taken in its better to locate the constructive things in individuals than the negative. Regardless of whether you can just discover one positive comment that’s superior to having damaging words. 2. In a passage or two, answer the accompanying inquiries concerning your utilization of antiquities to send individuals data about yourself: a) Which hues to you like to wear? Which do dislike to wear? ; b) Why do you like dislike them? Which thoughts or emotions do or may they convey to others? I love wearing glad hues. I am a red, pink, coral, blue, green, purple, and turquoise sort of young lady. I don't prefer to wear what I call memorial service home hues. I need individuals to think I am cheerful and loaded with spirits. I don't prefer to don dark and earthy colored. I feel as though these hues are discouraging. I think when individuals see me in my upbeat hues they think as though I am certain, glad, decided, and persevering. These are the hues I do and don't care to wear and this are a few reasons I like to wear them. Consider the accompanying explanation by Cornelius LaPide, a seventeenth century Jesuit minister: The face, in this way, is the picture of the heart, and the eyes are the reflection of the spirit and its expressions of love. One discovers this chiefly in turbulent and disgusting men who cover their disagreeableness for quite a while, however when they are diverted and ignorant, it out of nowhere shows up in their face and eyes. In this manner, the face and the eyes demonstrate the delight or pity of the spirit, its affection or scorn; so likewise, trustworthiness or unfairness and pietism. †[2] Write a 100-200 word reaction that expresses your understanding, fractional understanding, or conflict with this announcement. Express your position obviously and concisely, and back it up with data that underpins your position, for example, declarations from specialists, delineations, or models from your own understanding or that of another person. I don't comprehend the inquiry. 4. Offer a case of an odd provincial word or articulation that you or a companion has experienced during your lifetime. Make certain for each of these to distinguish your old neighborhood or locale and where you were the point at which you experienced the peculiar articulation. Who said it? What was their home district? What did you think when you initially heard the articulation? How could you gain proficiency with the expected importance of the unusual articulation? Which term do individuals from your home district use for something very similar? Single word that rings a bell is Yall. Individuals in the south state you all. I went to the Bahamas on a voyage and the individuals around there didn’t comprehend what you all implied. I asked are you all having a decent day. The individuals over yonder in that are said Are all of you having a decent day. It distinctive they state You all and we state Yall however it implies the equivalent.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Information Filtering System Based on Clustering Approach
Data Filtering System Based on Clustering Approach A PRIVATE Neighborhood BASED INFORMATION FILTERING SYSTEM BASED ON CLUSTERING APPROACH Dynamic The amount of web data has been expanded step by step because of quick advancement of web. Presently a-days individuals settle on their choice dependent on the accessible data from the web. Yet, the issue is the manner by which the individuals effectively pick or channel the helpful data from the huge measure of data. This issue is alluded as data over-burden. Proposal System is a steady instrument to determine the data over-burden issue. It is a piece of data separating framework used to suggest the client dependent on their own advantage, neighborhood likeness and previous history. Communitarian Filtering is one of the well known strategies generally utilized suggestion framework. Each proposal framework ought to guarantee security for both user’s neighbor and their information. To defeat the adaptability and model reproduction issue, a force chart based private neighborhood suggestion framework is proposed to guarantee the user’s protection. To start with, the packed system is built and afterward the list of capabilities is removed from the compacted arrange utilizing changed information. The information is changed utilizing cross breed change wires head segment examination and pivot change to ensure clients protection with exact proposals. At long last the thing to be suggested is anticipated which accomplish preferable execution over the current method. MovieLens Dataset is utilized to assess this strategy. Presentation Proposal System is one of the data separating framework which gives important data to the clients by sifting the data as indicated by user’s intrigue. Conventional methodologies of suggestion frameworks are synergistic sifting, content based separating and cross breed Approach. Content Based Filtering (CBF) approach predicts the suggestion dependent on the rating given by the client for the comparable things in previous history. Collective Filtering (CF) suggests the client dependent on rating of that thing by comparable clients. Mixture approach consolidates both the methodologies. All the methodologies have their own favorable position and disservice. CF basically named memory based CF and model based CF. Memory based CF initially figure the likenesses between the mentioned client and all other client to discover the neighbors at that point compute the expectation dependent on recognized neighbors rating design. Model based strategy originally constructed a model dependent on the inclination of the client. Fundamental point of the recommender framework is to limit the expectation blunder. The fundamental issues in CF recommender framework are adaptability, sparsity and protection. Versatility: Large number of clients and things in the system prompted the expansion in the computational unpredictability of the framework. In E-business, adaptability plays a significant issue since it contain immense number of clients. Sparsity: All the clients dont demonstrate their enthusiasm to rate all the things they communicate private, which will prompt information meager condition in the framework. This won't give careful suggestion to the searchers. Cold Start: Lack of data for new things and clients in suggestion framework will prompts capricious things in the framework. Security: Users may give bogus data inorder to ensure their own data. This prompts off base suggestion. The proposed work primarily centers around two essential issues in CF to be specific versatility and protection. The main test is the manner by which to improve the adaptability of CF, in light of the fact that these frameworks should scan the whole client for finding the neighbors. The subsequent issue is the means by which to secure the individual clients protection while expectation. Both an issues lead to lackluster showing of the framework. So the significant test is to deal with both a circumstance appropriately for better execution. Writing SURVEY Proposal framework causes the individuals to get careful data dependent on neighbors’ design. Wonderful development in web based business webpage makes the online merchants to build up their deals and benefits. They utilize this procedure which proposes item to users’ by their neighbors’ inclination about the thing. Versatility issue in RS fundamentally because of tremendous development in clients will in general decrease in precision of forecast on proposal. Bunching approach diminishes adaptability issue by gathering the comparative clients. Recommender System may request the users’ to open their evaluations to proposal server to give an appropriate suggestion. Yet, uncovering the rating may permit the recommenders to become familiar with the private data about clients. Uncovering rating may likewise direct to do savage conduct by a few serious companies’. Bunching IN RECOMMENDER SYSTEM A few diverse bunching strategies are adjusted to decrease the adaptability issue in RS. Another group based framework tri-factorization is proposed to bunch the client and thing at the same time to improve suggestion in model based CF. Be that as it may, when the new client enter the framework it is important to remade the entire model again for other client [].In [0] a bunch based double tree is worked by parting the dataset and the suggestion is anticipated dependent on the normal rating of group. Later [] a consolidated k-implies bisecting bunching is performed to beat the adaptability issue while preprocessing and pseudo expectation is adjusted. Yet, execution isn't greatly improved. Network based bunching model based CF is proposed [] to anticipate the suggestion however it fail to meet expectations on anomalies. Staggered grouping is adjusted to extricate the subgraph which is bunched and spread to decrease versatility which improved the exhibition than existing methodology. B e that as it may, it will be increasingly convoluted when the part of the system increments. Subsequently it is important to gather the information in all the perspectives to diminish the adaptability. Protection PRESERVING RECOMMENDER SYSTEM In CF, neighbors are recognized by gathering the data for the whole client. In this manner the server keep up client inclination, buy, utilization information and so on which may contain recognizable data may abuse the protection. There are a few procedures to secure the user’s touchy data []. Introductory strategy to guarantee the security insurance in CF was proposed by watchful (2002a, 2002b), for the most part center around conglomeration. In this strategy touchy information are amassed with some normal circulation. In cryptographic methodology, Individual client information can be secured utilizing homomorphic encryption to abstain from uncovering of individual information however it requires high computational expense [5]. In annoyance approach, clients veil their information before putting away it in a focal server. The focal server gathers the hidden information rather than unique information to give forecasts OK exactness [18]. In [2] a randomized reaction methods (RR T) is proposed to safeguard users’ protection by creating innocent Bayesian classifier (NBC) based private suggestions. Another method, information jumbling was utilized to execute protection safeguarding communitarian separating calculation [16]. In this method, touchy information are jumbled through added substance or multiplicative commotion so as to secure individual protection previously taking into account examination. The real information can be uncovered in this method by applying figuring out procedure [7]. Touchy data is either hidden or wiped out to dissect the information to remove the information in anonymization procedure. The significant shortcoming of this method is some particular information may prompt the re-distinguishing proof of information [1]. In proposed work, a versatile protection saving suggestion framework is proposed. First the client to client organize is built from the client inclination at that point compacted arrange is shaped dependent on the force chart approach. At that point include set separated from the packed system dependent on changed rating to guarantee the security during forecast. At long last the straight expectation model is embraced rather than comparability forecast to improve the exactness other than decreases the multifaceted nature. OBJECTIVE To ensure the individual’s neighbor data while expectation dependent on grouping approach this diminishes multifaceted nature of model reproduction. To ensure the individual information utilizing information change method. Issue FORMULATION A bunch based methodology is proposed to secure the individual neighborhood security and crossover information change procedure is proposed to ensure the individual information with exact suggestion utilizing highlight extraction based straight relapse expectation. MODULES Information Transformation Analysis is performed utilizing MovieLens Public (MLP) dataset which is the standard dataset to show the better execution of the proposed technique. MovieLens dataset is gathered by the GroupLens Research Project at the University of Minnesota. This informational index comprises of three distinct documents of three unique sizes 10M, 1M and 10K which for the most part contain appraisals of various motion pictures gave by the clients. To assess the proposed technique 1M size dataset is utilized which contains 6040 clients, 1 million evaluations and 3900 things. The rating esteems are on five star scales, with five stars being the best and one star being the least. Information gathered comprise of four characteristics isolated with twofold colon as the delimiter [userid :: itemid ::rating :: Timestamp]. To assess the proposed work userid, itemid, rating is separated from the dataset and afterward extricated information is changed over into client x thing framework with measurement (6040 x 3952).Unrated things are loaded up with esteem zero to defeat calculation multifaceted nature. Information Transformation A half and half information change procedure which wires Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Rotation Transformation (RT) is proposed to change the information so as to ensure the user’s information. The contribution to the PCA strategy is the rating network. This method first finds the head com
Saturday, August 1, 2020
Essential Tips on Scholarship Essay Writing
Essential Tips on Scholarship Essay Writing Do you want to be sure that your grant will come to you after presenting the application composition? To achieve this, you would better to follow our advice as we give the most successful and forceful prompts. A perfect scholarship essay is almost the crucial factor in consideration your candidacy for the grant, thats why you need to put lots of effort to make the committee have an interest in you. How to Write a Scholarship Essay? The first thing to start is to get acquainted with the target audience, to learn more about the selection criteria and to look through the works which have already won the grant. Next is to know yourself better, evaluate your advantages and disadvantages and search for peculiarities of your character which can attract the committee the most. Writing an excellent scholarship essay implies that your work should be coherent, outstanding and follow given formatting standards. Because, if you do not edit your paper correctly it can almost ruin all your dreams as your sloppy manner of writing can describe you as a lazy, aimless, and disorganized person. Is such a student worth a grant? The answer is obvious â€" he or she does not deserve it! The good understanding of the selection criteria may be rather profitable. In such way, you can find the key factor which fits you the most and focuses on it. The major part of colleges and universities have the similar criteria (for some exceptions of the elite establishments). All the decisions of the judges are based on the objective evaluation and nothing more. The preference is given to the students in need with high scores, and those, who has worked for it for a long time. Your statements must, above all, show that you are an ambitious person doing his or her best to make the world better. The purpose of your application to the grant have to be the front boner. How to write a college scholarship essay question should appear in your mind before the application form is filled and the terms are short. The planning your scholarship achieving well ahead of the action allows you to prepare for the issue without hurry and stress. Thus, you will find the most fitting problem and learn your advantages and disadvantages. There will be time for you to understand the notion of the central theme in full and to search for lexical means and phrases to use in your paper. The language of the article must be simple for reading and coherent, but the excessive use of the same use may lead to stylistic battology. That will spoil every type of writing and push the committee off. Fill your paper with the keywords to indicate the purposes of the work clearly. Making Your Essay Passionate In fact, the person who writes the article is the object of the consideration, so the introduction to your character will bring a lot of humanity and will draw your actual picture. Writing only the facts and results of actions are is just the necessary data which does not show what kind of person you are. Explain the purposes of the action and describe your feeling and emotions. If, for example, you work in an orphan asylum, illustrate the childrens attitude to the process their reaction and how do your deeds help them. Give the reason to the question why do you need to get a grant and why is it so important for these children. Also, you may mention which obstacles you have faced on the path to the set goal. How did they change you and what did you learn from them? Describe the way of overcoming the problems and solutions to them that will show your ability to cope with difficulties which describe you as a strong, purposeful person. Committee loves it so much! The Eight Prompts to Compose the Winning Scholarship Essay We give you the general meaning, aims, and criteria to write your important work and it is time to expose you the practical advice to composing such kind of works. We collect eight useful tips to editing and writing your article: Find the helpful words and phrases to enrich your paper Give relevant information and backgrounds related to you and your occupation. It will be useful to look through the website information of the university or college to which you apply for the grant. Find the keywords and statements which describe their mission and use it in your work. Write about all your prizes, awards and educational goals which you have ever received. Draw an outline of your article. It can be similar to standard essay format, for instance: introduction, body, and conclusion. An introduction gives the primary purpose of applying and some background information. The body consists of the general facts about your achievements and present occupation area. The goals and objectives to get a grant are to be included in this part too. The conclusion summarizing the facts and the ideas together and bring the real necessity of getting the scholarship by your candidacy one more time.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Reading Notes on Robert Frost’s Poem “Nothing Gold Can Stayâ€Â
Robert Frost wrote a number of long narrative poems like â€Å"The Death of the Hired Man,†and most of his best-known poems are medium-length, like his sonnets â€Å"Mowing†and â€Å"Acquainted with the Night,†or his two most famous poems, both written in four stanzas, â€Å"The Road Not Taken†and â€Å"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening.†But some of his most beloved poems are famously brief lyricsâ€â€like â€Å"Nothing Gold Can Stay,†which is condensed into only eight lines of three beats each (iambic trimeter), four little rhyming couplets containing the whole cycle of life, an entire philosophy. Double Entendreâ€Å"Nothing Gold Can Stay†achieves its perfect brevity by making every word count, with a richness of meanings. At first, you think it’s a simple poem about the natural life cycle of a tree: â€Å"Nature’s first green is gold,Her hardest hue to hold.†But the very mention of â€Å"gold†expands beyond the forest to human commerce, to the symbolism of wealth and the philosophy of value. Then the second couplet seems to return to a more conventional poetic statement about the transience of life and beauty: â€Å"Her early leaf’s a flower;But only so an hour.†But immediately after that, we realize that Frost is playing with the multiple meanings of these simple, mostly single syllable wordsâ€â€else why would he repeat â€Å"leaf†like he’s ringing a bell? â€Å"Leaf†echoes with its many meaningsâ€â€leaves of paper, leafing through a book, the color leaf green, leafing out as an action, as budding forth, time passing as the pages of the calendar turn... â€Å"Then leaf subsides to leaf.†From Naturalist to PhilosopherAs the Friends of Robert Frost at the Robert Frost Stone House Museum in Vermont point out, the description of colors in the first lines of this poem is a literal depiction of the spring budding of willow and maple trees, whose leaf buds appear very briefly as golden-colored before they mature to the green of actual leaves. Yet in the sixth line, Frost makes it explicit that his poem carries the double meaning of allegory: â€Å"So Eden sank to grief,So dawn goes down to day.†He is retelling the history of the world here, how the first sparkle of any new life, the first blush of the birth of mankind, the first golden light of any new day always fades, subsidies, sinks, goes down. â€Å"Nothing gold can stay.†Frost has been describing spring, but by speaking of Eden he brings fall, and the fall of man, to mind without even using the word. That’s why we chose to include this poem in our seasonal collection of poems for autumn rather than spring.
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Student Loan Debt An Important Role For College Students
Student Loan Debt Financial support has played an important role for college students, especially for university students, whose family could not support their education after they have graduated from high school. Due to this situation, students have to go through a lot of problems with their tuition fees to be able to continue with their education. They always need a large amount of money besides paying for the tuition but also for living, and students have to go through a lot of problems with their tuition fees in order to be able to finish their career on time and earn a better living in the future. Some students will choose to go to work part time while at school, so they can pay for their fees and their own expense, such as gas, foods, and clothing. On the other hand, most of students will choose to take out loans from somewhere else, such as the bank or federal loans. This way, students who choose to take out a loan could focus on their education without worrying about how to pay for their fees. It is very important for students to acknowledges and be aware of the different types of student loans, and all the requirements before students decide to obtain a loan. Because of the raise in tuition leads to the existence of the student loan debt is a burden that is a financial impact on lifestyle changes, such as postpone couples to get married, to have children, to buy a house and to save for retirement. The rate of tuition is vastly different now than it was inShow MoreRelatedStudent Loan Debt : An Important Role For College Students2175 Words  | 9 PagesStudent Loan Debt Financial support has played an important role for college students, especially for university students, whose family could not support their education after they have graduated from high school. 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As the result ofRead MoreIncome Share Agreements ( Isa )1169 Words  | 5 PagesWith student loan debt becoming increasingly worse year after year, new and potentially better avenues for students to finance a college education are emerging onto the market. In particular, income-share agreements (ISA) have appeared on the scene for a few years now, but not have attempted to modernize the way students pay for college. The big take away from ISA’s is the shift of financial risk from the student to the investor, unlike the traditional gover nment or private loans. A student promisesRead MoreShould Student Debt Go Beyond?1269 Words  | 6 Pagesbecoming more competitive and most require higher education. College has become necessary and so consequently, it has become more expensive. While loans have made it possible for nearly anyone to attend college, because they are given too easily, the costs of college has increased even more. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Every Child Matters Act and the No Child Left Behind Act Free Essays
Jamondria Robinson 3rd hour Flanders A barrier for ensuring that all children in our community receive a high quality education would be the Every Child Matters Act and the No Child Left Behind Act. Ed. Gov states, â€Å"President Bush made a commitment to ensure that all children receive a high quality education so that no child is left behind. We will write a custom essay sample on Every Child Matters Act and the No Child Left Behind Act or any similar topic only for you Order Now In just one year after the president first took office, the No Child Lefty behind Act (NCLB) passed overwhelmingly. No Child Left Behind has led to higher standards and greater accountability throughout the nation’s school systems. No Child Left Behind provides the schools with more funding, gives states and school districts more control and more flexibility to use resources where they are needed most, holds schools and school districts accountable for results, and may provide your child with free tutoring and extra help with school work. When it comes to improving education in our state I believe our priority is to improve teaching, make better finical investments in our education systems, and coming up with better way to get students more involved and excited to learn. I believe we need to look at how much we’ve already spent and what were using the money for and evaluate what we are receiving in return. Opening college doors to more high school students who don’t have the funds to pay for it themselves is also another way in improving education in our state, allowing more students to have the opportunity to receive a decent education. Offering more and specific work related classes that interest the student and offering high more challenging courses for the students as well. But its not just about what the state and community can do, but its also up to the parents. Parents and Guardians play a big part in helping improve our education systems. The role of parent and parental involvement in improving education in our state is being involved. Regardless of the family income or background students with involved parents are more likely to earn higher grades and test scores attend school regular basis. Students with involved parents tend to have better social skills, improved behavior, and graduate on time and attend college. Children who have parents who aren’t there to push and motivate them don’t make it quit far. Parental support is always needed and a big part of parental involvement. If your parent doesn’t care about your education or is involved regarding you education you’re going to feel as if it’s not so important. Parents can become more involved by talking to their child and the child’s teachers, making sure they know who is giving their child the education and to be sure the child is working to their best of their ability. Physical environment affect school climate and student achievement by depending on what goes on inside or outside of school of the school will the feelings expressed by students, teachers, staff and parents about school. If the child is placed into a negative environment outside of school there’s a big guarantee that it will be brought back into school by that child. There’s also a chance that other students may pick up vibes from another student rather its negative or positive. When the child is placed into a good positive environment outside of school more than likely he or she will feel more better about themselves and bring that attitude back into the school as well. A well disciplined environment, learning environment, social environment, and school-community relations all affect the schools climate and the achievements of the students who attend. When students have to travel outside their neighborhood to attend a great school their family looses time, money, and energy. To put your child in a school that is better than their neighborhood schools probably cost more and is a bit embarrassing to the community or area you reside in. You’re using more gas to provide your child transportation to attend this school. It also takes up more time to take and pick your child up from a school that’s more than 20 minutes away from where you live. Now with a lot of students coming from poorly educated schools to attend the good schools they are making the â€Å"good†public schools in that particular area look bad. Most Africa-American communities don’t care about attending school or getting a good education. Everyone wants to make it out on their own but it seems as if the younger generations don’t want to make the first step in receiving a good education. They don’t take getting a education as serious as they should. But not all African Americans in a community feel that way. I believe the African-American communities stand beside other communities in America with the problems in the system. I believe the African Americans stand beside other communities because most of them don’t care. From the looks of things I believe most African-Americans have the wrong mentality about school and life. How to cite Every Child Matters Act and the No Child Left Behind Act, Papers
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Thrasymachus’ Views on Justice free essay sample
The position Thrasymachus takes on the definition of justice, as well as its importance in society, is one far differing from the opinions of the other interlocutors in the first book of Plato’s Republic. Embracing his role as a Sophist in Athenian society, Thrasymachus sets out to aggressively dispute Socrates’ opinion that justice is a beneficial and valuable aspect of life and the ideal society. Throughout the course of the dialogue, Thrasymachus formulates three major assertions regarding justice. These claims include his opinion that â€Å"justice is nothing other than the advantage of the stronger,†â€Å"it is just to obey the rulers,†and â€Å"justice is really the good of another [†¦] and harmful to the one who obeys and serves. †Socrates continuously challenges these claims using what is now known as the â€Å"Socratic method†of questioning, while Thrasymachus works to defend his views. This paper seeks to argue the implausibility of Thrasymachus’ views through an analysis of his main claims regarding justice, as well as his view that injustice brings greater happiness. We will write a custom essay sample on Thrasymachus’ Views on Justice or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In Book I of Republic, Socrates attempts to define justice with the help of his friends and acquaintances. After a number of suggestions prove false or insufficient, Thrasymachus tries his hand to define the term, convinced that his definition rings true. Thrasymachus begins in stating, â€Å"justice is nothing other than the advantage of the stronger,1†and after prodding, explains what he means by this. Thrasymachus believes that the stronger rule society, therefore, creating laws and defining to the many what should be considered just. He pertains, however, that the stronger create said laws for their own benefit and therefore in acting justly, the ruled are performing for the rulers benefit and not their own. This argument is not feasible for a variety of reasons. One of the key characteristics of justice is fairness, which can also be defined as being reasonable or impartial. 5 Impartiality means that you do not favour one side over another6, and therefore implies that if one were to act justly and therefore impartially, they would not act in a way to benefit only a select few. Furthermore, justice in its true form cannot be used solely for the advantage of the stronger without the masses acknowledging the injustices being imposed upon them, as Thrasymachus suggests is the case. For justice is one of the many characteristics of morality, which is considered to be intrinsic based on an inner conviction. 7 Therefore, if the many were acting against said inner conviction wholly for the benefit of the stronger, would they not experience a natural feeling of injustice? This argument alike can be used to refute another of Thrasymachus’ primary claims that â€Å"justice is really the good of another [†¦] and harmful to the one who obeys and serves. †3 In addition to his definition, Thrasymachus argues the value of justice as a human or societal characteristic, claiming that injustice is far more beneficial to the individual. Thrasymachus asserts that tyranny: makes the doer of injustice happiest and the sufferers of it, who are unwilling to do injustice, most wretched. †¦] injustice, if it is on a large enough scale, is stronger, freer, and more masterly than justice. 5 To decide whether an unjust man finds more happiness than a just man does, one must understand the true meaning of the word. The dictionary defines happiness as â€Å"characterized by pleasure, contentment, or joy. †8 Thrasymachus typifies the unjust man as someone who is constantly seeking self-fulfillment, pleasing their desires no matter what the cost to others. It is in their nature to never be satisfied with what they have, and therefore it is unlikely that the unjust man could ever experience true contentment. In contrast, the just man is content upholding laws and acting for the greater good and is therefore capable of experiencing a greater happiness than one who partakes in injustices. The dictionary goes on to state that happiness can also be defined as â€Å"feeling satisfied that something is right or has been done right. 8 Thus, an unjust man could never truly be happy, as they are aware of the injustices they have committed unto others in order to benefit themselves. In addition, if one is to look to the cardinal virtues, not only is justice itself included, temperance is as well. Temperance, meaning â€Å"restraint in the face of temptation or desire†9 is not a characteristic of an unjust man. In fact, Thrasymachus argues that one should always seek to fulfill their own desires exercising injustice as a way to do so. Virtue is said to be a measure of one’s worth, therefore, in turning their back on it, an unjust man could never be as self fulfilled and happy as a virtuous one. The first book of Republic illustrates a diverse range of views in reference to the definition of justice. None, however, evokes such controversy and analysis as Thrasymachus’ dialogue. His point of view calls to the forefront a number of important questions regarding the issue, and is an essential piece to Plato’s puzzle of defining justice.
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